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Ireland, despite its small size, boasts a colossal reputation, captivating visitors with its rich history, untamed and enchanting scenery, and […]
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Ireland, despite its small size, boasts a colossal reputation, captivating visitors with its rich history, untamed and enchanting scenery, and a lively culture. Here, Norman castles stand sentinel over untamed, windswept beaches, while Georgian country estates host impromptu sessions of traditional music. In Dublin, theater enthusiasts spill out into lively pubs after a show. Yet, amidst all this splendor, it's the heartfelt Irish welcome that truly shines. Their distinctive mix of warmth, humor, and a touch of irreverence guarantees that your journey to the Emerald Isle will be an authentic adventure.

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Adare: Nestled in County Limerick, Adare holds the title of a heritage town, making it one of the most picturesque places to explore in Ireland. Strolling through this village, you'll encounter thatched cottages with tiny windows, ancient churches, and charming shops.

Cliffs of Moher: These majestic cliffs rise dramatically along the rugged west Clare coastline, offering breathtaking vistas of the Atlantic Ocean and the Aran Islands. It's not just a visual feast; this area is also a protected sanctuary for a variety of wildlife, including puffins, falcons, and kittiwakes.

Cork: As Ireland's largest county, Cork boasts over 100 kilometers of coastline, making it a prominent part of the Wild Atlantic Way. Here, you'll discover charming harbors, serene inlets, and picturesque islands. In Cork City itself, cozy pubs, excellent dining options, and a vibrant music scene await.

Dingle Peninsula: Stretching 30 miles into the Atlantic Ocean along the southwestern coast, the Dingle Peninsula features towering sea cliffs, dramatic headlands, and idyllic villages. It's a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering hiking trails, horseback riding, and various water activities.

Galway: Perched at the point where the River Corrib meets the Atlantic Ocean in the western part of Ireland, Galway boasts a stunning coastline adorned with quaint islands and villages. It's an ideal destination for a self-drive adventure, offering some of the most scenic natural beauty in Ireland.

When to go / useful information

When to go

This country may have a reputation for receiving a bit more than its fair share of rain, but don't let that deter you! In fact, it's this rainfall that contributes to the lush, vibrant green landscapes you'll encounter. If you're considering a trip, the months from June to September are undoubtedly the prime times to visit. Additionally, we'd highly recommend experiencing the festive charm of Christmas here, when the pubs adorn themselves with sparkling festive lights, and the jovial spirit is contagious.

Useful information

Currency: Euro

Language: English is very commonly used. Gaelic is recognized as the first official language of the Republic of Ireland, but of the 3.5 million population, only 5% use it regularly.

What makes it special: Ireland's sweeping landscapes of rich green, the lively music drifting out of cozy pubs, and the friendliness of its people are absolutely unparalleled.

Weather: You could say this country receives slightly more than its fair share of rain, but this has, of course, resulted in brilliantly green countryside. June to September are the best times to visit. Christmas is a great time to experience Ireland, with pubs adorned with festive lights, and everyone in high spirits.

Social customs: After a troubled past, this mostly Catholic land takes its hard-won religious freedom seriously. The 'wearing of the green' and traditional costumes are worn with pride. Legends, folk tales, and beliefs in supernatural beings such as leprechauns are commonplace, and the lucky three-leaf shamrock is a beloved symbol. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow originated in Irish mythology, and Halloween is a favorite holiday. Irish dance, gypsy music, great literature, and connections to tragic, romantic Arthurian legends, like Tristan and Isolde, are all part of Ireland's rich and colorful cultural heritage.

Ireland and Northern Ireland are two distinct regions located on the island of Ireland. Here's a summary of their key differences:

  1. Ireland (Republic of Ireland):

    • Ireland, often referred to as the Republic of Ireland, is an independent sovereign nation.
    • It covers most of the island of Ireland and is not part of the United Kingdom.
    • The capital city of Ireland is Dublin, and it has its own government, legal system, and currency (Euro).
  2. Northern Ireland:

    • Northern Ireland is a constituent part of the United Kingdom (UK).
    • It is located in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland and shares a border with the Republic of Ireland.
    • The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast, and it is governed as part of the UK, following British laws and using the British Pound as its currency.

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